Well, this blog is dedicated to him, Mr. C. Jonathan Scriven of frenceforawhile.blogspot.com.
Tonight my beautiful wife, 3 precious sons, and myself attended the inaugural game of the Port Charlotte Stone Crabs, the single A baseball affiliate of the AL Champion Tampa Bay Rays with PopPop and GiGi.
This is PopPop and Benj getting settled in for Benj's SECOND professional baseball game at just over 4 months old.
This is Seth and Toby standing at the fence right in front of where we sat.
This is Toby's dream come true (being a Tampa Bay Ray).
This is Billy's big brother and co-owner of the Port Charlotte Stone Crabs making an lasting first impression on Ben.
And this is Cal greeting Toby and GiGi.
Hope you're having a good time with your "friends" in France Scriv!