(OK, go to the YouTube page for videos from now on, that took like 1.5 hours to upload here!)
"First" Hair Cut, ... technically, the first hair cut was just his bangs back in January. However, the mullet with its cute curled up ends offically went, Sunday April 11. This was VERY difficult for me. Since his eldest brother beat him by a full year to his first official hair cut and his middle brother got his first "buzz" more than 6 months earlier, this simi-surfer thing had become his thing. It was hard to do because it was like ending who he had always been, and because he has such a little bubble head on a pencil thin neck and hardly any hairline in the back. Luckly, his mother thinks that the new look suits him.
She is not as sure about dad's new dew! After more then 9 months without a hair cut -- having shaved my head bald last summer -- and growing it, along with the full beard to provide warmth in Colorado and "the look" (which turned out to be a cross between the Gaithers and BeeGees) for 3 Easter plays, it all had to go. I could no longer stand it, despite the retired ladies at church loving it and beginning to hit on me. It was getting to be kind of cool curled around a baseball cap, but mid-80 degrees in March calls for something less work! To be honest, I miss it! Ben just starred, he has never seen me without a beard.