Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September Begins with Milestones

September 2009 began with 3 major milestones for the Pitton Family.

First, Big brother Toby, after 7 1/2 years finally lost his first tooth. It was a good thing, because the replacement was nearly all the way in and twice as big. We were visiting Gamma's house and as we pulled out of the drive way, Toby asked from the back seat, "Do you think I should pull out my tooth?" Of course we said, "Yes!" About 10 seconds late he announced that he had. Unfortunately, his second permenant tooth has also come in, just as large as the first and right next door. Every night he faithfully prays that his loose tooth will fall out and each day he refuses to pull it himself (or let my help!). Sadly, his baby teeth are vertually perfect looking, but are being replaced by adult teeth that have been pushed back into his mouth at strange angles waiting for the "loose teeth to fall out." Well, looks like braces are a family tradition that will continue!

WARNING: The second Pitton milestone should not be read about will eating.

Shortly after returning home from the long trip up North, Little Ben was having quite the time it seemed trying re-adjust to not being strapped into a car seat. He just didn't like sit down at all. (This turned out to be the pre-curser to milestones #2 & #3.) One especially unpleasant day I lost the "Not-It" game and had to change a particularly stinky diaper. As I tried to save my nose by quickly perform my task, I (simi-proudly) discovered "milestone #2". Yes, Ben's first ... solid turd.

I sincerely apologize to all of you that do not have a grandmother-nurse in the family. Please try to understand that this is not only an appropriate topic of discussion on my wife's side of the family--it is appropriate dinner conversation!

(Sorry, No Picture!)

And finally, milestone #3. Have you ever seen a "sidewinder" -- a snake that can't slither in a straight line? Well, I'd like to say that milestone #3 was that Ben has learned to crawl, but I think that just may give the wrong picture of how he ... moves. He seems to not like to have both knees on the ground at one time. So, has developed a kind of "sidewinder" approach of movement that usually involves one knee step and the opposite leg, stiff kneed brought around the opposite side of the body...half crawl and half walk. His favorite places to go...the big brother's room!

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