So, Seth FINALLY nursed his first loose tooth (bottom left center) out yesterday, much to his surprise I think. I believe he has been anxiously awaiting the day that the Tooth Fairy would finally visit him.
... For clarity, it is important to know that Toby "lost" his first tooth while visiting PopPop and GiGi who pointed out that the Tooth Fairy pays extra when you are with grandparents. He then managed to "lose" his next tooth while they were visiting as well. Long story short, some people make their fortune selling their blood; he has gotten rich "losing" teeth.
Apparently Seth has witnessed Toby's prosperity enough for it to be fact that lost teeth and riches go hand in ... mouth, because there was no fanfare about what to do. However, there was a moment of great wailing and gnashing of teeth when I caught him quickly stuffing something under his pillow -- assuming it was some sort of contraband to be played with after he was supposed to be asleep. After he got his mother involved, it was discovered that in fact it was just a SECRET note to the Tooth Fairy that we were not allowed to see. Disaster (momentarily) averted.
All seemed well until this morning when it was discovered that after all that trouble the Stupid Tooth Fairy did not show up!
I'm pretty sure the Tooth Fairy is leaving an apology tonight for being sick and unable to fulfill its duties previously ... along with some extra cash Apparently, grandparents aren't the only way to make more off of lost teeth!
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