Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I Scream for Ice Scream

(written a couple months ago, but not able to post because of ... ignorant computer!)
A 2 year-old knows what a 2 year-old wants, even if it is something they don't know anything about.

Today, Ben insisted on getting something from the freezer.  I put him off (ignored) for a little while, but of course I adventually needed something from the freezer and was right there waiting for his opportunity to GET whatever it was that he wanted.  Seeing that I still do not understand almost anything he says, we communicate with the "this? this? this?" point to, trial and error method.  By doing this I discovered that he wanted a 30+ year old kids ice cream maker--a frozen bowl that is kept in the freezer, with a little incilated holder and small plastic crank. 

In a moment of optimistic ignorance, I decided to put the 3 ingredents in the little mixer and let him "make" some ice cream.  To my surprise, he not only helped add all the ingredents, but began to turn the crank.  HURRAY!!!  I might be able to actually accomplish something (without "assistance")--if I do it QUICK! 

Not quick enough.  Ben announced it was my turn to turn the crank.  Something didn't feel right, so I lifted the top as I turned the crank and discovered that turning the handle didn't actually turn the paddles.  No wonder we have always seemed to have a difficult time "making" ice cream with this antique!  But I had ice cream on my mind now and it would be ashamed to waste 1/2 cup of half & half and 1/4 cup of sugar!  So, I tried just spinning the whole lid.  Once again to my surprise this method actually turned the paddles.  And even more excited was that this new method was of interest to Ben and now he wanted another turn at ... turning ice cream.

However, after 15 minutes of the instructed 6-10 minutes churning we still had just sweet milk.  So I decided to put the whole thing in the freezer.  Which reminds me ... I like ice cream (even if I have to drink it) more than I do blogging. 

Have a nice day, I "need" to go get my morning "frozen" snack!