LITTLE issue as we stopped to visit the brand new IKEA in Orlando on our way home from Daytona Beach yesterday...
Mom decided that it would be great if the boys would stay at the IKEA supervised play area while we "buzzed" through the store. Seth said he would do it if Toby would, but Toby just wanted to sit in the lobby and watch the video running there. After much "negotiation" Toby would not budge from a tear filled stand of 'no entrance' to the play area.
So, I gave him a choice: go in with Seth, check it out and if you don't like it you can go shopping with us OR go sit in the car and take a nap. Easy choice, right? YE! Toby chose, "NEITHER!" Which of course left me sitting in a hot car, tired myself and starving with the picture above.
Kids are smarter then we think!